Master Key Experience-Week 16 Kindness

Last week being the first week of the new year, our class set out on a transformative makeover instead of setting resolutions for 2019, and we are doing the Franklin Makeover for the next 13 weeks. I wasn’t familiar with this makeover and you may not be either, so you can follow this link for more info…  In short, the goal is to improve on a list of 13 virtues as we focus on each one for a week at a time.

Living with purpose this week and focusing on the virtue, KINDNESS, I feel like I made this world a better place!  Observing it, giving it, creating special moments full of intention blessing others expecting nothing in return…such a wonderful exercise to add into the progression of everything else we are doing and learning in this course. Random acts of kindness (RAK’s) was super fun and not getting caught in the act was a little tricky, like a game so it was fun! Looking for kindness all around me was my favorite because in doing so intently, I realized how much I have probably been missing as I go about in my day to day life. What I realized that there are lots of kind people all around me, I just need to look for it and I’ll see it.  Up until now, I have always been so aware of all the negative around me that it seemed it’s all I could see and the world seemed so dark and bleak and not so hopeful as I witnessed so many acts of selfishness, hate, discord, etc…need I go on?  So in focusing on kindness and giving it to everyone I come in contact with, I have come to the conclusion that I can in a sense contribute love and kindness to others and hopefully in return less negativity will occur due to the chain reaction and ripple effect of kindness being spread. I do believe in that way we can make this world a better place. A simple exercise that can be life-changing as well! It’s in this exercise that I saw the Law of Giving and Receiving displayed perfectly. You give kindness, you receive kindness…you give a hug/love, you receive a hug/love…what you sow you will reap. Another reason to live on purpose being mindful with intention. All that kept going on over and over again in my mind was the Law of Giving and Receiving that I have written down and read aloud daily for a few months now and here it is: 1) Wherever I go I bring a gift. I may bring a compliment, a prayer, a trinket, a flower but I promise I will give something to every person I encounter. 2) I promise to be a grateful receiver of the gifts that surround me pausing often and noticing nature, KINDNESSES, smiles and compliments; which I gladly receive with a “thank you.” 3) I promise to give hope for joy, affluence, KINDNESS and love, consciously with every encounter regardless of the brevity. 4) I promise to give without expectation of reciprocity from the channels I enrich because I know that I am in the dynamic flow of giving and receiving.  

Along with the focus being on seeing kindness everywhere this week, I am continuing to grow and learn more as I read and study Haanal’s Master Keys. I love learning more about how we are governed by natural laws and how we can create and control our “world” by spiritual power found in thought. Our minds are so powerful and what we think about grows, and when we have a vision so specific and full of clarity, our potential is limitless. With this said, I’ve been revisiting my Definite Major Purpose, not changing it by any means, just making sure that it is precise and it is truly what I want, but that it also contains service to others. My daily 15 minute sit/meditation time has been helping in this. Earl Nightingale along with Ralph Waldo Emerson are having a great influence on me as well as I listen and read The Strangest Secret and the essay on Compensation. So much depth in this experience as a whole, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow!

Master Key Experience Week 15-Insight

Happy New Year, 2019 is here!! Wow this past year was great and so I believe that this year will be even greater!!

INSIGHT…can you say that this week was written for me?  I feel like the timing of it was completely perfect and orchestrated perfectly down to every tiny detail.  This week on January 1st we began a new read from Scroll IV, and Og Mandino’s words were like “life” to me and such an encouragement. “I am nature’s greatest miracle…I am a unique creature of nature…” He goes on with this later in the scroll, ” I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open.  I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.”  This was so powerful to me when I read this because I love how he chose to use the word “opportunities”, what a positive connotation of working your way through something so negatives  like difficulties, problems, discouragements and heartaches.  On New Year’s Eve, I had an “opportunity” and I took a hit so to speak and it cause hurt and pain deeply and I felt the sting.  As I allowed my emotions to feel the pain, I actually chose to pick up my #MKE materials and finish out the evening strong to counteract the negativity which had just took place.  I had not read Scroll IV just yet (because it wasn’t Jan.1st) but what I did read was Lesson 15 in the Master Key.  What great timing!  Lesson 15 spoke to me right off the bat…like it was written just for me in that moment.  Then over the next few days up until this evening as I write this post, each day built upon the understanding of the prior day’s reading, and I can say that I fully retained and learned what the lesson was meant to teach me.

So, what is that exactly? Let me start with how Haanal starts out as he briefly summarizes what the lesson will entail.  “Part Fifteen will tell you more about the law under which we live.  It will explain that these laws operate to our advantage; that all conditions and experiences that come to us are for our benefit; that we gain strength in proportion to the effort expended, and that our happiness is best attained through a conscious cooperation with natural laws.”  You see, I seemed to always feel like a victim, wallowing in self-pity saying, “why me? why does this always happen to me?” Well, for one reason, I kept affirming that “this always happen to me.”  So therefore, it became a pattern right? Right.  Instead what should have been my reaction (and which will now always be my reaction) is accepting that “All conditions and experiences that come to us are for our benefit.  Difficulties and obstacles will continue to come until we absorb their wisdom and gather from them the essential of further growth” (15:7) so now is the “opportunity in disguise” to learn, to bring into that space of a 15 minute “sit” and to think on how to rectify this particular problem.

So this week of focusing on insight, Haanal tells us to exercise and concentrate on it.  Let me back up and tell you what insight is.  In 15:31 “Insight is a faculty of the mind whereby we are enabled to examine facts and conditions at long range, a kind of human telescope; it enables us to understand the difficulties, as well as the possibilities, in any undertaking.” 15:32 “Insight enables us to plan to advantage and turn our thought and attention in the right direction instead of into channels which can yield no possible return.” This exercise is definitely in our favor to prepare and to equip ourselves to be ready so we aren’t thrown off when life hits us or our old blueprint tries to offer us a solution to surrender to it.  No! It’s in these opportunities disguised as opportunities that we grow and overcome with ease.  So let me loop back around to the exercise we were assigned and how it affected me.  While I did my “sits” this week, I began to apply the knowledge of what I had been learning about the Law of Substitution and some tips on keeping a positive mental attitude…looking inward from afar and seeing how there are so many areas in my life that weren’t fully functioning because the channels were clogged and not flowing at full potential.  Focusing on insight showed me that there was unforgiveness that needed to be dealt with and though it usually would have been outwardly, this time is was inwardly and forgiving myself.  Insight shed so much light in these areas that I believe are key for me to break through in order to keep moving forward to live in my fullest potential.  So the Law of Forgiveness was definitely in full effect as I let go and forgave myself for holding onto anger and resentment. You see we receive what we give, and because I kept holding anger and resentment towards my self (I kept giving/feeding myself those emotions) and it was the very thing that came at me on New Year’s Eve, being that my thoughts manifested my conditions which included anger and resentment being thrown at me.  Well I’m happy to say that it has been rectified in the world within, and I choose that my world without will be harmonious and full of peace.  Difficulties and challenges may still come (yes I know this), but that will be because more growth will need to take place in me.  I will be rest assured though that it’ll be in the moments of insight that I will be able to then apply the knowledge that I’m gaining as each week passes by, because knowledge will not apply itself and this is the value of spending moments sitting in the silence of Insight and in that, leads to growth!

Master Key Experience Week 14-Persistence leads to Success

This week ends this month’s read of Scroll III in Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World.  Reading about the topic of persistence all month long, it seemed to be the best timing to watch a movie based on a true story that is all about persistence.  We were given a choice of four movies to watch, one or all four, and I chose ‘October Sky’.

Much of what I have learned in this #MKE (Master Key Experience) was displayed in this movie, and I loved to see it all play out and unfold as I observed the 4 tiny habits of persistence.  You must operate with and have these 4 tiny habits of persistence to succeed, and here they are: 1) Definite Major Purpose 2) Positive Mental Attitude 3) Plan of Action 4) Master Mind Alliance.

Here’s the movie in short…Homer was inspired by other’s success and failures, and decided that he was going to build a rocket and launch it into space.  Living in a town where everyone was conditioned to go to school for an education and then go on to mine coal in this coal mining town, left really no other option for Homer except to break the mold and be more than that for himself and not settle.  So he sets his mind on his definite major purpose and begins to work towards it and against all the odds he holds a positive mental attitude throughout the movie not giving up on the fact that he could achieve this great endeavor. With very little support from family and peers, little money available and being limited with resources, he along with his loyal friends/partners (his mastermind alliance) set out on making this dream a reality.  They all brought their unique skills, abilities and knowledge to the table and while putting in the hard work and effort, I watched the resources begin to come to them to bring it all into fruition. They had a plan of action that they consistently worked on with persistence knowing that they would succeed if they just did not give up.

Their journey of building this rocket was met with many opportunities, both good and bad.  There were so many failures at their many attempts until finally they created that successful rocket.

Homer and his buddies went on to winning their school’s science fair and then went on further to a higher competition where success was met there as well.  In the end, Homer and his buddies went on to being a success in each one’s endeavor and Homer went on to working with NASA training astronauts to travel into space.  You see, his definite major purpose opened the door for not only him but for others to realize that they too have limitless possibilities, and with them consistently keeping the 4 tiny habits of persistence before them, this set out their future success and achieving greatness in their lives.

I absolutely loved watching this movie and seeing visually what persistence “looks” like.  I think most people start out just like Homer and then somewhere along the way they give up on their calling/puropse in life and choose to settle for mediocrity and conform to becoming like everyone else.

I choose, and you can choose to be like Homer and press on despite what may come your way and live out what Og Mandino wrote about in Scroll III of The Greatest Salesman in the World and here’s a couple excerpts from his book that mirrors this movie I watched and it says, “The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal.  Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road.  Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.  Always will I take another step.  If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another.  In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.  I will persist until I succeed…So long as there is breath in me, that long will I persist.  For now I know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long enough I will win.  I will persist.  I will win.”

I can be what I will to be and I always keep my promises!



Master Key Experience Week 13-Persistence and Gratitude

Ahhh, the week before the Christmas holiday…all the hustle and bustle of the preparation, the parties, the school programs, getting in all the holiday “feels” to make sure you live in the moment with your family, especially your children.  I found myself putting all this above the needs and wants of my own, and midway through the week I realized I had slipped back into that old program that was all too familiar around this time of year. I kept up with all my #MKE reads, affirmations, exercises, etc.. but I found that I was super duper exhausted at the end of each day just drained and slowly as the week went on, I slipped up and forgot to do a “sit”, then an afternoon Greatest Salesman read,  and need I go on?! You get where I went. Being the “observer” and chatting with the Gal in the Glass each night, I was quickly able to recognize it, address it and then move on. Despite the old blueprint (yet once again – I’m not surprised though) rearing it’s ugly head and on a few occasions getting the best of me momentarily, I decided that I will still persist and I will win! Og Mandino says this best and as each day passed this week I was yet encouraged the more as I read this last paragraph in Scroll III, “Nor will I allow yesterday’s success to lull me into today’s complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure. I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone, whether they were good of bad, and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life. So long as there is breath in me, that long will I persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long enough I will win. I will persist. I will win.” Sooo good and encouraging and when you mark out the word “will” it becomes not only something you will do but something you are with a strong affirmation that gives you confidence.

So, I rest assured knowing that quitting is not an option, and that to persist is to live because if I quit, I “die”, I walk away from the call that I have that keeps me coming back week after week, doing the work even when the old blueprint says, “hey, I’m still here!”…I know that my mind is where it needs to be and I’ve awakened to this idea and truth that I can create for myself and my future by the way I think.  So in closing, I’m so very very GRATEFUL for the peace and happiness and the harmony that I have experienced because of this beautiful #MKE course and I feel the power and the strength from each one of you as you (along with myself) press on, persist, and ultimately progress to where we achieve the purpose that we are all so very focused on.  I keep telling myself, that I’m already a success because I’m here with all of you and we all are going to be what we will to be!

Cheers to ending this year out stronger than I could’ve ever imagined! We are all winning, we are all already a success and we are changing the course of our lives and the lives that are in our close knit circle and beyond really…WOW, I don’t think I truly realized how big this experience really is and the impact it is going to have! It’s an honor to be on this journey with all of you, and I’m so full of gratitude!!

2019 ~ we’re coming for ya’! It will be our best year yet!

I always keep my promises.


Master Key Experience-Week 12 Struggles overcome by laws and Og

This week I began excitedly and eager to learn, and although I had the enthusiasm and the desire to do so, I felt so challenged as each day passed.  A good mix of the old programs and the old blueprint, a bit of exhaustion from lack of sleep and then it was as if the “old me” took over! Still I remained optimistic because I know I have been given the tools needed to get through this little “hiccup” of a week.  Self-doubt, lack of belief in the purpose I had written out and tweaked several times and over again…regret of mistakes that were made, etc…really, need I go on?! NO! So midway through the week, I realized what was happening, and honestly I knew what was taking place as my old blueprint was rearing it’s ugly self.  I made my mind up that I would rise above this and get out my tool box and affirm with more emotion and action and motion while doing so.  I pulled out my stack of 50 cards of what I had accomplished along with everyday things I do and do well along my affirmations and got to work.  The ease of reading those 50 cards and then also reading aloud that “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!” – both of those exercises slowly but surely began to turn around my attitude.

We have been learning the Seven Laws of the Mind, and I chose to focus on the Law of Growth – Whatever we think about grows. What we forget atrophies…along with the Law of Substitution – We cannot think about two things at the same time. If a negative thought enters your mind, try to think about God instead. If that is too big a reach at the time, use any fond memory or other pleasant thought. Jesus, the Master Teacher, said, “Resist not evil” meaning turn from it and think about something else instead.  Applying these two laws along with forgiving myself for allowing my old blueprint to take over earlier in the week (Law of Forgiveness – another law of the mind) and then taking measures to relax and rest using aromas like Frankincense and Lavender, I was able to grab hold of ‘calm’ and breathe through all that was taking place around me and not be affected by it allowing me to have a relaxed mind (Law of Relaxation – another law of the mind) so I can continue to make progress as I set my intention and attention on the success of my future self.

Og Madino’s Scroll III was also what encouraged me this week…”I will persist until I succeed. Nor will I allow yesterday’s success to lull me into today’s complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure.” (I had been experiencing breakthrough and success up until this week when the old blueprint took precedence. I believe that I regressed and let life and the busyness get the best of me.) “I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone, whether they were good or bad, and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life.  So long as there is breath in me, that long will I persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long enough I will win. I will persist. I will win.”

In closing, I affirm once again that I can be what I will to be, and I always keep my promises! 


Master Key Experience – Week 11 “I will persist until I succeed”

This week was all about persistence and the 4 tiny habits.  Such a wonderful week like the ones prior, but this one was extra special because during the webinars leading up to this one, we were told repeatedly that on Dec. 2nd there would be a huge payoff for all of us.  Well of course this got me all excited and anticipating what this would truly mean when Dec. 2nd rolled around.  So excitedly and with passion like usual, Mark J  basically told us that we got it, that we have paid the price, and that we because of our consistency with doing all the things day in and day out and being faithful and in harmony with the class, that we can do great things and we can build a great business or achieve a great endeavor or whatever it is that is your definite purpose in life.  We’re equipped and fully ready with the tools we need.  So a pat on the back to everyone for this achievement because really this is huge.  From when we began until now, we have immersed ourselves and acquired this knowledge and put it to work and have applied it into our everyday lives. Y’all this is huge for me, because I was always one to never consistently stay on course and finish what I start. This course has shown me why I found myself not able to succeed up until now, and how to change and learn new things that’ll bring success every single time.  I have grown so much as I have gained self-confidence (thank you Blueprint Builder) and grown in character. So thankful!

Let’s chat about Persistence…before this course I don’t think I really knew what persistence was.  Here’s the definition: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.  It is a noun not a verb. If I understand this correctly and what we learned this week, then I can say, we don’t “do” persistence, we “become” persistent and it’s a result of not giving up.  I can be persistent but I want to win, and so that is where the 4 tiny habits come into play. I didn’t realize how huge these tiny habits really are in our success, and I didn’t realize that because of this course I began to persistently do the things that would ultimately bring that success into my life. Here they are…

The 4 Tiny Habits: 1) You have to have a definite purpose backed by a burning desire for it’s fulfillment (I know now that a purpose without the emotion behind it, is just a purpose and it won’t get you that far when it comes to hitting your goals and becoming who you truly meant to be/who you already are).  2) A definite plan expressed in continued action.  3) A mind closed tightly against all negative thought and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances (thank you 7 Day Mental Diet!)  4) Friendly [mastermind], alliance with one of more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.

That is it! The formula for success!  Easier said than done though because there’s a progression with all this that must take place as we learn the new and shed the old way of thinking.  Definitely has been the best part of the journey so far as I have traded old habits for new, as I have learned to embrace a new day, to love others and to persist (stay the course) until I succeed! Og Mandino is my new BFF and I love reading the scrolls daily and exercising the instructions that he gives. It is changing my life! This experience is bringing out the “me” that I’m rediscovering, thanks to the recent webinar on Finding your authentic purpose, I’m learning what I really want and what my purpose is.  I could go on and on and share how “rich” this course has made me…I so love it!

Master Key Experience-Week 10 Abundance

Week 10 started off really great and as I read the lesson for the week I got super excited! The introduction says “if you get a thorough understanding of the thought contained in Part Ten, you will have learned that nothing happens without a definite cause. You will be enabled to formulate your plans in accordance with exact knowledge. You will know how to control any situation by bringing adequate causes into play. When you win, as you will, you will know exactly why.” After reading this first paragraph, I knew I’d get the “secret” formula that I had been wanting, finally…I love sentences that start with “if you…then you will…” It sounds like the perfect set up for a formula of success, right?! Anyhow, even though I knew there were no “secrets” to be unveiled, I was still hopeful. To say this week’s lesson was just okay is completely an understatement. For whatever reason, maybe it’s because we’re halfway through this course, I feel like I am finally understanding what we’ve been learning from day 1, and that is that it all starts in your thoughts and that will determine your outcome. This cause and effect. This definite major purpose. This being in harmony…it all is coming together nicely.  I still am finding myself not completely understanding everything I’m learning, but I press in and continue with the daily exercises amping them up with more enthusiasm than I have thus far, and I’m finding that I’m doing everything a bit more with ease. I feel I’m in a good place of rhythm, and I’m beginning to encourage others around me as it seems that I’m now this magnet to those around me. Not that I have all the answers by any means, but I know it is a test of myself  in what I’m learning and being empowered with, and I’m finding myself with opportunities to pass it on to others when needed. I’m excitedly catching myself telling friends and family that they have to DO this course the next go-around! Anyhow, I continue to press in, determined to fine-tune my DMP as I decided this week to change up a PPN…I wasn’t “feeling” anything with my previous one and so I decided 10 weeks in, to follow my heart and now my needs are True Health and Liberty!! That resonates with me. So that is definitely a highlight for me this week as it also adds more work to go back and re-do/edit my DMP, my Press Release, Movie Trailer and my recording. So for the win, I was happy, and then I felt the work of it begin to bring feelings of overwhelm and anxiety…can you say the “old blueprint” was at work! Oh yes, so 2 days of dealing with that, man, I felt beat but I also feel like I had a little bit of a breakthrough just this morning, a renewal if you would say. I did all the things earlier today than I normally do and I feel like that gave me more moments throughout my morning and early afternoon where I could reflect on all the good that has taken place this week.

In addition to that, back to lesson 10, abundance, spiritual power, the difference of inorganic becoming organic, creative power, the law of causation and how it depends on polarity, constructive thought, etc…it was so full and I found myself reading each paragraph over and over again before moving on. I do believe that I’m almost where I need to be in that “thorough understanding” of it all like the lesson began. I want to know exactly how to do this and how to do it well, and to know exactly what the result will be and it will be no surprise because it will have been me purposefully, with intention going after and working towards that definite purpose for my life.  I know I’m on the right track!

Y’all, I have never studied and applied knowledge like this ever before (that I can recall)…10:23 Knowledge will not apply itself. You must make the application. Abundance will not come to you out of the sky, neither will it drop into your lap, but a conscious realization of the law of attraction and the intention to bring it into operation for a certain , definite and specific purpose, and the will to carry out this purpose will bring about the materialization of your desire by a natural law of transference…you will find that the things you seek are seeking you.” That gave me chills, the good kind that is. All this effort is not in vain. If it was then I wouldn’t be seeing and experiencing the return and the blessings of all that I’ve this far applied to my life. Abundance is a natural law, and I intend to keep myself positioned for it as I continue to learn. The Law of Giving and Receiving has been fun because when you position yourself to not expect anything in return from those you give to, you open yourself to the storehouse of abundance. It’s beautiful! I’m enjoying this journey!!


Master Key Experience-Week 9 What are we saying about ourselves?!

First of all, let me just say…WOW! I am halfway through this amazing  Master Key Experience, and honestly I feel accomplished because I’m pretty sure this is the first time in my life that I have been fully engaged and committed to, unwavering with no excuses to something that is moving me forward in life! I am slowly but surely becoming “unstuck” in this life and fully learning how to re-engage with my dreams and at times discover them for the first time.  I am so much more happier, I am confident and secure, and as each week passes, I feel lighter in sense…freedom taking place as I grasp that there truly are no limitations to what you can have and achieve in this life! What a beautiful realization! And I fully believe that!!

So this week, we added an affirmation to our “Service” index card and it says,                     “I am whole, perfect, strong powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!”  Now if that doesn’t make you stand stall and feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside with a smile on your face, then say it again and then again until it does! Receive this and believe this and let this affirmation be a “Service” to yourself as you confess and put this affirmation, loaded with positive and creative energy into that world within but also into the world around you to encourage others who may need to hear this.  The Law of Giving and Receiving is in full effect and being in the flow is what we have learned and this affirmation can be a wonderful gift and a blessing to someone you know or even a stranger.  This simple affirmation is so powerful and it will eradicate any self-doubt that you may have in your life! If you can’t tell already, I have truly been impacted by this greatly this week! What I had been saying and thinking to myself about me was just not serving me any longer, and I gladly set all that negativity to the side so I can move on no longer believing the lies that were given to me or placed on me that became my beliefs for so long.  I have gladly and eagerly picked up this week’s affirmation and I’m seriously considering getting it tattooed on my body lol!! 🙂 SO so good!!

Another impactful concept this week was yet again found on my “Service” index card and it was adding “Visualize my new reality daily as a service to others.” People, fellow MKE friends and classmates…listen, we have a responsibility now because we have become aware and are making great progress as we move forward in attaining our DMP’s but also, we are learning tools to help free others around us. We are LIGHT in this world around us, and if we stay consistent and follow through in this experience, we will become a force to be reckoned with! In a good way! 🙂 I have come to the realization this week, that going through this course is so much more than what I get out of all this but also so much about impacting our loved ones we’re surrounded by and the ones in our circle but also to those who we may not even know yet. I mean that as we impact those immediately in our circle, then it becomes a domino effect as we give hope to others, and illuminate their world! I didn’t know how huge the effects would be just by me signing up for this course!! Life-changing as we become world-changers!!

So grateful for this course and this opportunity to grow personally and to do it with others harmoniously! I believe I am feeling the power of working in harmony with others and it feels absolutely amazing and is so encouraging to me that I’m in the right place at the right time with the right people!!


Master Key Experience-Week 8 Unexpected happiness

Love…acceptance of self…forgiveness…awareness…change…


I had to pinch myself this week, because I had the realization that this “stuff” I’m learning is weaving itself into my very being! You know how I know that? Well the “world without” is reflecting the “world within” and it’s a beautiful thing. Love is being shown to me because I’m loving others…smiles are coming my way because I’m smiling at strangers…light is shining back towards me because the light within me is lighting up those around me…I could go on! So, I was driving one morning after reading Scroll II (my favorite so far – it’s all about love) and my Definite Major Purpose, and a sense of gratitude came over me. I realized that the smile on my face turned to me joyfully laughing, lol! I can’t tell y’all how long it has been since I have truly felt joy bubble up within me. I mean I have happy moments the same like I have the sad moments and all, but this wall like a well of laughter that turned to tears of joy! It felt so dang good!! Why it happened, not sure? Could’ve been an unexpected blessing from above to let me know that all this work I’m doing is actually yielding fruit. That one little experience was a highlight of this week for me personally. So thankful for that moment because what came the next 2 days was my ‘subby’ fighting me hard! I mean hard.  It’s interesting when you become the observer of yourself, you pick up on the old blueprint and the old patterns like instantly.  You can’t help but to do what you know to do and choose to reverse that negativity and the desires to be complacent and choose not to go down the road of comparison and self-pity. That’s what ‘subby’ was throwing at me! Crazy how it almost seems like that would be comfortable choice like comfort food in a sense. I told myself “no” so many times, refusing to feed those old patterns (peptides), and then found myself reaching into my bag of tricks (haha), reading my index card that has my short version of my DMP, and in a minute everything seems to line up again to what I’m focused on and that is achieving that purpose that I hold for my life.  Another thing that kept me lifted this week when ‘subby’ started to push back at me was reading my Press Release, and reading it boldly and with super duper enthusiasm! Followed by the affirmations of “Do it now!” and “I can be what I will to be!”…now if anything gets you back in line with that laser focus it is definitely those affirmations! You know that good lasting change is on the horizon and that these habits are becoming solid ones when your subconscious mind is working to get you to fall back. Awareness is definitely leading me to change. Any habit, addiction or pattern that you have in your life can be eradicated from you life, but it is work, mental work! I’m progressing from being one who was negative and unhappy into choosing to think and speak positively and in return this is bringing me happiness! Hence the uncontrollable smile and joy that I experienced earlier this week.

I read about imagination this week in Haanel’s lesson and I learned that this imagination is not daydreaming, however it is constructive thinking that produces the end result you desire. One thing I have been so focused on is becoming emotionally and mentally healthy, and I believe that this week I began to see the fruit of this desire that I’ve been working on. Haanel’s lesson 8:15 reads, “Constructive imagination means mental labor, by some considered to be the hardest kind of labor, but if so, it yields the greatest returns, for all the great things in life have come to men and women who had the capacity to think, to imagine, and to make their dreams come true.” This is also how you can break an addiction, a pattern or a bad habit that you have in your life.

Oh and this one…so good! In 8:18 “The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude. Not what you think once in a while when you are in church, or have just read a good book, BUT your predominant mental attitude is what counts.” That is so true! Keeping my mind positive and set on things like loving people and giving, and doing it just because not expecting anything in return…it’s such a wonderful feeling, but then to receive it back is just such a blessing!

Thankful for this week of unexpected happiness!


Master Key Experience – Week 7 It’s all so good!

Everything in Week 7 is just all so good!  Layering new exercises and linking old with the new, is all coming together and making more sense to me as I continue to move forward each week.

IMG_2548-1I started a new scroll (The Scroll Marked II) from The Greatest Salesman in the World, which so far is my favorite, and the focus is on ‘love’ for ourselves and for others. I needed this scroll.  I have lacked in the area of all things ‘love’ when it comes to myself but also when it comes to how to love on others. It’s teaching me how to be a better person. No secrets to success that are man-made, this one comes straight from the Bible, and it is the Greatest Commandment. Love causes us to succeed. It’s been great to start each day reading “I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures…”  This reading has caused me to become more happier lately, and the smile I have on my face reflecting what is going on within me, and I have a bit more of a pep in my step! Reading this new scroll is keeping me in line and accountable.

I have also gotten a ton out of our weekly lesson in the Master Key.  In 7:3 it talks about Visualization and the importance of having a clear and clean-cut image of what you want, and then “hold it firmly in the minded you will gradually and constantly bring the thing nearer to you. You can be what you will to be.”  This is a reminder to make sure that my thoughts are lining up with what I want and that I’m bringing nearer to myself those things I want that will bring me life instead of the negative things drawing near that ultimately bring death.  That then takes me to the next thing that I’ve learned this week. I read through the Seven Day Mental Diet by Emmet Fox and it is quite the challenge.  No negative thoughts for 7 days!!  Like nothing! It is not impossible but yes it has been the hardest thing for me thus far. I know that once I’m able to go a week without negativity getting the best of me, my thought life will have been transformed! We can chat about that in a few weeks…still a work in progress. 🙂

So the greatest part of this week has been me being able to finally focus in and truly learn (well at least getting better that is) on concentrating and focusing on my Definite Major Purpose, and using the shapes, colors, my PPN’s, my Press Release, all the index cards and then also using numbers (dates) to really hone in and begin to “feel” and sense the emotion of me attaining it in the future. The “15min sit” is getting so much better and as I am meeting daily with my “future self” and chatting about in past tense my accomplishments, according to my Definite Major Purpose, that has proven to be what has brought about me connecting emotionally with my DMP.  I sure hope that all makes sense! It has been a week of heart-felt tears and gratitude because I know that things are in motion now and the Law of Attraction is becoming evident in my life, and mostly been in the small meaningful things of my day-to-day! The giving and recieving, the conscious positive thinking and so on and so forth…I’m attracting more than I realize and this whole process has been amazing so you can imagine that I’m excited to continue to press on and learn more! It’s getting so good y’all!!